This moveable test stand bases on
a pump-turbine with variable, during run adjustable blades in rotor and
stator. The Centrifugal pump in the circle is the feeder-pump. It serves
also as restrictor and operates as a (non-perfect) centripetal turbine.
Flow (Cavitation)- observations can be made through the perspex pipe section.
The 4-quadrants frequency speed control for the axial- and radial-machine
makes a restrictor valve dispensable and allows axial pump performance
near zero pressure.
The measuring devices are digitally connected to the
internal controller, sending serial data to the comprised portable PC. Stand
control and data acquisition is performed by Windows-software.
Measured quantities are:
Torque of the axial engine with strain gage sensor
on the swivel engine
Rotational speeds
Electric energy consumption and production for both