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13:15 / 16.02.2025
printable version Upgrades
Upgrade Oehlgass press | Upgrade Weber press | Sensors and software
Upgrade Oehlgass press

This upgrade is a cost advantageous possibilty to provide existing conventional presses and material test machines type "Oehlgass" with modern drive, control, measuring technique and data acquisition.

Drive and control:

An electric control replaces the existing manual control. So it is possible to provide powerful control commands. The manual control, indication of force and displacement is perfomed by touch-screen.

Measuring devices:

  • Force sensor: Ceramic sensor for compression and tensile tests,
    resolution 16 Bit
  • Displacement sensor: Magnetic, incremental for total travel and limit switch, resolution 2-20µm
  • Control device to convert the sensor signals in a serial data stream with a data rate of 10/s
  • Interface to further software (Test software, MazeCam)
  • Touch-screen for manual machine control (look also at Universal material test machine)


Upgrade Weber press
Upgrade Weber press

This upgrade is a cost advantageous possibilty to provide existing conventional presses and material test machines type "Paul Otto Weber" with modern drive, control, measuring technique and data acquisition.

Drive and control:

An electric control replaces the existing manual control. So it is possible to provide powerful control commands. The manual control, indication of force and path is perfomed by touch-screen.

Measuring devices:
  • Force sensor: Ceramic sensor for compression and tensile tests, resolution 16 Bit.
  • Displacement sensor: Magnetic, incremental for total travel and limit switch, resolution 2-20 µm
  • Control device to convert the sensor signals in a serial data stream with a data rate of 10/s
  • Interface to further software (Test software, MazeCam)
  • Touch-screen for manual machine control (look also at Universal material test machine)
Sensors and software
sensors and software

This upgrade is a cost advantageous possibility to provice older, conventional presses and material test machines with electric displacement and force measurement and modern test software.



  • Force sensor: Strain gage based sensor for compression and tensile tests, resolution 16 Bit.
  • Displacement sensor: Magnetic, incremental, resolution 2 µm for total travel
  • Control device to convert the sensor signals in a serial data stream with a data rate of 10/s
  • Interface to further software (Test software, MazeCam)


The upgrade suits to most presses and material test machines (for example Oehlgass, Weber, Wolpert and Trebel e.c.). Please ask for your press type! (Contact)


Delivery capacity:

Force and displacement sensor, control device, software package, self installation possible.

nach oben
Keywords: Upgrade, Oehlgass™, Weber, Wolpert, Trebel, Modernization, Update, Sensor, Software, Material test maschine, Universal, Universal material test machine
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