DeutschEnglishTeLC A. Kutschelis unnd Sohn, Dipl.-Ingenieure
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05:53 / 22.01.2025
printable version Tool dynamometer turning DKM 2010
Tool dynamometer turning

NEW 5- Components Dynamometer for measurement of cutting forces and tool tip temperature in turning processes

DKM2010 is now a 5-Components Tool Dynamometer, It measures
  • Fc = main cutting force
  • FfL = feed force to the right
  • FfR = feed force to the left
  • Fp = passive force +
  • Fp = passive force – (drawing into workpiece)
It is as small as the former type A, but measures forces up to 2000 N

With help of the adjustable inserts holder for indexable inserts ISO type CCM..9 approach angles of 45 60 75 90° are easily adjusted.

With USB interface data acquisition rate now can be adjusted up to 100 SPS .

The measured values can be read on the internal display using auto-hold. The PC-based data acquisition is performed over the built-in USB interface with our included software for tool dynamometers. Over the same interface the device parameter setup for wear detection is executed. After the setup, the device is able to supervise a turning process without a connected PC. Also available is a temperature measurement of the tool tip, which is fully integrated in the device. With this great properties the device suits multiple educational and industrial applications.




Measuring systems :

Strain gage sensors with very small deflection, range 2000N, resolution 1 N, data acquisition rate adjustable 5 – 100 SPS


Clamping; Adjustable inserts holder :

Thanks to the bars left and right side of the body the DKM2010 can be clamped in every turret on the lathe and be operated in longitudinal or cross feed on konventional or CNC lathes. The bars are 12 mm high.
Variation of the tool geometry is realized by means of the
4-step adjustable inserts holder 45,60,75,90° and indexable inserts ISO type CCM..9.



The following experiments are possible:

  • Examination of the influence of the cutting geometry, material, lubricant coolant and machine settings
  • Investigation of the optimal parameters for a turning process regarding power consumption and tool wear.
Keywords: Cutting tool dynamometer, Cutting dynamometer, Tool dynamometer, cutting thrust meter, wear detection, break detection, tool monitoring, Turning, Borehole, Power, Force, Feed, Cut, Cutting, Burr, Temperature, Torque, Reduction of wear and tear, wear out
©TeLC Unna 2004